Aphasia Groups

Aphasia Center participants select from our array of services to create their own individualized program. Our clinical research studies have demonstrated that individuals who receive aphasia communication groups show significant improvement in their communication skills and quality of life.

We offer a sliding fee scale for those with reduced incomes.

Groups run year round – sign ups are happening now!



Aphasia Communication Groups (Weekly, various days/times) – Our communication groups provide an innovative, long-term and affordable way for those with aphasia to continue receiving services, especially beyond the initial period following stroke.

Aphasia Care Partner Group (Every other Tuesday, 11:00 am-12:15 pm) – This Care Partner Group is intended for family members or others providing care to people living with aphasia. This group will provide a safe, non-judgmental space for discussion and problem solving.

Primary Progressive Aphasia Group  (Fridays at 9:30-10:45 am) – Members will practice communication strategies and active listening skills, while talking about topics related to life with primary progressive aphasia (PPA). This group is for those who have been diagnosed with PPA. We will organize groups based on members’ PPA types and symptoms.

PPA Care Partner Group (Every other Monday 4:30-5:45 pm) – This 10-session Care Partner Group is intended for family members or others providing care to people living with primary progressive aphasia. This group will provide a safe, non-judgmental space for discussion and problem solving.

Young Stroke Group (Every other Tuesday 1:00-2:15 pm) – Members will practice communication strategies and active listening skills while talking about topics related to life after stroke. This group is for those who had a stroke before the age of 55. All aphasia types and severities are welcome!

Book Club (reading/writing) (Contact us for start dates) – This group is offered twice a year and is usually 10-12 sessions, depending on the book chosen. Please click on the link for more information about our Book Club and Book Connection materials for service providers.

News Forum (Contact us for start dates) – News Forum groups discuss news, current events, and culture. The groups provide a supportive environment where people with aphasia can practice communication strategies and active listening skills. Members take turns presenting stories on a variety of topics. This group is offered twice a year and are around 10 sessions.

Music Appreciation Group (Fridays 11:00 am) – A welcoming space to explore and enjoy music together. Members share favorite songs, albums, and genres, join in optional sing-alongs, and engage in meaningful conversations about the role of music in their lives. No musical experience is needed—just a love for music!

Zoom Fitness Group (Wednesdays 1:00 pm) – Designed for all abilities. The class starts with gentle stretching and slow movements, then gradually builds intensity using weights and resistance bands (or household alternatives). Exercises are done seated and standing, with modifications for those with limited mobility or use of one arm. Please click on link to see important class information.

Grupo de Afasia en Español 


To sign up:

Email info@aphasiacenter.org or fill out this form, and we will contact you!

Haga clic aquí para dejar su información.

Click here for our Communication Group flyer!

“They were there when I needed help and when my husband needed help. Aphasia people are so isolated―you are not alone here.”