
The Aphasia Center of California provides unique opportunities for stroke survivors and their families to come together for support and life-enhancing communication services. We address unmet needs and gaps in services, yet do not receive any federal, state or insurance funding for ongoing aphasia services.

We rely on the generosity of donors, volunteers, and sponsors to offer the critical support that survivors of stroke and brain injury with aphasia need and deserve, and to continue our work into perpetuity.

There are many ways to support us!

Cash, Credit Card or Check

  • Make a general contribution by credit card here
  • Donate by check, payable to Aphasia Center of California.

These gifts may be fully deducted for federal income tax purposes (up to 50% of your adjusted gross income).

Additional ways to support the Aphasia Center of California:

Cash or Marketable Securities
Cash gifts may be fully deducted for federal income tax purposes (up to 50% of your adjusted gross income).

Memorial or Tribute
You can honor the memory of a loved one or celebrate a friend or family member by making a memorial or tribute donation. The Aphasia Center of California will send an acknowledgment card to the family of the honoree.

Vehicle Donations
We have arranged a partnership with Donate For Charity to process our vehicle donations. Donate For Charity arranges a free vehicle pickup, handles all the DMV issues, sells the vehicle at auction, and distributes the net proceeds to the Aphasia Center of California. If it’s time to replace an older car, or you have a boat and trailer taking up space in the garage, consider making a donation. You’ll avoid the headache of selling a used vehicle and receive a receipt entitling you to a tax deduction. Call Donate For Charity toll-free at (866) 392-4483 or donate online.

Marketable and appreciated securities may be donated to the Aphasia Center to avoid the capital gains tax, and to also realize an income tax deduction. Most donors can deduct the full fair-market value of appreciated securities and bonds up to 30% of their adjusted gross income with a five-year carry forward.

Closely-Held Stock
Gifts of stock in a closely-held business can be used to support the Aphasia Center of California in many situations.

Planned Giving
Planned Giving involves integrating a donor’s charitable gift into his or her overall financial, tax, and estate planning objectives so as to maximize benefits to both the donor and the Aphasia Center of California. Planned gifts typically come from a donor’s assets rather than income, and can be either outright or deferred. Also, it is highly recommended that donors consult with their own tax or legal advisors prior to making a planned gift.

A bequest is simply a gift made through a Will. Estate taxes can be saved, and the remarkable work of the Aphasia Center of California will be continued in perpetuity through your bequest. A charitable bequest to the Aphasia Center of California made through your will is 100% deductible for estate tax purposes and may place your estate in a lower estate tax bracket.

If you’d like to make a bequest to the Aphasia Center of California, this is sample wording that you can use:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to the Aphasia Center of California located in Oakland, CA $__________.”

Charitable Remainder Trusts
Through a Charitable Remainder Trust, funds are placed naming the Aphasia Center of California as the beneficiary of the trust. You and any named beneficiaries receive income from the trust during your lifetime as well as income and estate tax benefits. Upon maturity, the remaining funds in the trust are used to establish a fund in your name at the Aphasia Center, creating a permanent legacy for you and your family.

Charitable Lead Trusts
Through a Charitable Lead Trust, funds are placed in trust for a specified number of years. Income from the trust is used to establish a fund at the Aphasia Center of California. When the trust expires, the funds remaining in the trust are returned to your designated beneficiaries. Substantial tax savings for your heirs result from the years of annual charitable gifts made from the trust’s income.

Legal Advice
Please note that this is not legal advice. Any prospective donor should seek the advice of a qualified estate and/or tax professional to determine the benefits of making charitable gifts.

“This donation is the least we can do. Please keep up the fantastic work for people with aphasia. Our family will continue to spread the word that the Aphasia Center really makes a difference!”