ACC Professional Presentations
Please see a list of presentations by our founder, Dr. Roberta J. Elman, on the research and successful treatment programs conducted at The Aphasia Center of California. For more information, please contact us.
Presentations Related to Aphasia Center of California Programs
Elman, R.J. (May, 2021). Still Searching for Understanding: The Importance of Diversity. Invited keynote reply presented to the 2021 Clinical Aphasiology Conference. [Live]. Virtual.
Boyle, M., Akers, C., Cavanaugh, R., Hula, W., Swiderski, A., & Elman, R. J. (May, 2021). Changes in Informativeness following Communication-based Group Treatment for Chronic Aphasia. Platform session presented to the 2021 Clinical Aphasiology Conference. [Live]. Virtual.
Akers, C., Boyle, M., Swiderski, A., Hula, W., Cavanaugh, R., & Elman, R.J. (May, 2021). Using Complete Utterances to Measure Change in Conversational Discourse following Communication-based Group Treatment. Poster presented at the 2021 Clinical Aphasiology Conference. [Live]. Virtual.
Azios, J., Lee, J., & Elman, R. (April, 2021). Techniques for Improving Engagement in Virtual Aphasia Book Clubs. Platform session presented to the Aphasia Access Virtual Leadership Submit. [Live]. N.J.: Aphasia Access.
Fox, M., & Elman, R. (April, 2021). Don’t Stop the Music: Aphasia Music Club Tips and Considerations. Session presented to the Aphasia Access Virtual Leadership Submit. [Live]. N.J.: Aphasia Access. Click here for handout.
Duchan, J., Elman, R.J, Garcia, L., Kagan, A., Lyon, J., & Simmons-Mackie, N. (Panelist names listed in alphabetical order.) (December, 2020). Celebrating 20 Years of LPAA — A Panel Discussion with the Original Authors. Invited virtual session [Live and Videotaped]. N.J.: Aphasia Access. Click here to watch video.
Elman, R. J. (November, 2020). The Evolution from Impairment-based to Life Participation-based Intervention: Some Lessons Learned. Invited virtual session presented to the California Neurology Society, San Francisco, California.
Holland, A. & Elman, R.J. (November, 2020). Neurogenic Communication Disorders and the Life Participation Approach: The Social Imperative in Supporting Individuals and Families. Invited virtual session [Live and Videotaped]. N.J.: Aphasia Access. Click here for link to the book.
Rome, L. (August, 2020). Podcast Listening Groups at the Aphasia Center of California. Virtual Brag and Steal session [Live]. N.J.: Aphasia Access. Click here for handout.
Elman, R. J. (April, 2020). Invited panelist for Virtual Town Hall about Online Aphasia Services, [Live and Videotaped]. N.J.: Aphasia Access. Click here to watch video.
Elman, R.J. (November, 2019). Integrating Life Participation and Impairment-based Interventions for Adults with Language Disorders: Making Connections. Invited session presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, Florida.
Elman, R.J. (November, 2019). Aphasia Book Clubs: Clinical Suggestions and Participant-Reported Outcomes. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, Florida.
Akers, C., Boyle, M., & Elman, R.J. (November, 2019). Effects of Conversation-based Group Treatment on Narrative Discourse for Individuals with Chronic Aphasia. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, Florida.
Elman, R.J. (October, 2019). Life Participation Approach to Aphasia and other Communication Disorders: Essentials for Treatment (C.A.P.E.) and Neurogenic Communication Groups. Presented to the Alaska Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference, Anchorage, Alaska. Click here for downloadable C.A.P.E. cards.
Akers, C., Boyle, M., & Elman, R.J. (September, 2019). Evaluating the Reliability and Sensitivity to Change of Complete Utterances in Structured Discourse. Poster presented at the 14th Annual Eleanor M. Saffran Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience & Rehabilitation of Communication Disorders, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Elman, R.J. (August, 2019).The Evolution from Impairment-based to Life Participation-based Intervention: Some Lessons Learned. Presented to the Department of Neurological Surgery, University of California, San Francisco.
Elman, R.J. (May, 2019). Aphasia Book Clubs: Clinical Suggestions and Participant-Reported Outcomes. Poster presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Whitefish, Montana.
Elman, R.J. (May, 2019). Aphasia Groups: Six and Half a Dozen of the Other? Roundtable session presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Whitefish, Montana.
Akers, C., Boyle, M., & Elman, R.J. (May, 2019). Evaluating the Reliability and Sensitivity of Complete Utterances in Structured Discourse. Poster presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Whitefish, Montana.
Elman, R.J. (May, 2019). C.A.P.E.: Four Essential and Evidence-Based Categories for Aphasia Assessment and Treatment. [Video webinar]. Houston, TX: Retrieved from
Elman, R.J. (May, 2019). Aphasia: Successful Communication and Getting Your Message Across. Presented to the Contra Costa County Stroke Group, John Muir Medical Center, Walnut Creek, California.
Elman, R. J. (March, 2019). Aphasia Book Clubs: Lessons Learned Over the Past Twenty Years. Presented to the Aphasia Access Leadership Summit, Baltimore, MD.
Carney, A., Elman, R.J., Rome, A., & Scheiner, L. (March, 2019). Creating Aphasia-Friendly Emergency and Disaster Planning Information. Presented to the Aphasia Access Leadership Summit, Baltimore, MD. Click here for link to documents
Elman, R.J. (December, 2018). Conversation Groups for People with Aphasia: Rationale & Evidence. [Video webinar]. Seattle, WA: MedBridge. Retrieved from
Elman, R.J. (December, 2018). Conversation Groups for People with Aphasia: Techniques & Application. [Video webinar]. Seattle, WA: MedBridge. Retrieved from
Elman, R.J. & Silverman, M. (November, 2018). Moving Beyond Aphasia: Applying C.A.P.E.’s Evidence-Based Checklist Across a Variety of Settings and Populations. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Boston, Massachusetts.
Elman, R.J. (November, 2018). Essential Elements of Aphasia Intervention: Four Practical Evidence-Based Treatments Appropriate across Clinical Settings. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Boston, Massachusetts.
Akers, C., Boyle, M., & Elman, R.J. (November, 2018). Evaluating Test-Retest Reliability of Complete Utterances in Discourse. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Boston, Massachusetts.
Boyle, M. & Elman, R.J. (November, 2018). Assessing a Multi-Level Analysis of Narrative Discourse in Fluent Aphasia. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Boston, Massachusetts.
Elman, R.J. (October, 2018). C.A.P.E: A Framework for the Essentials of Aphasia Intervention. Invited seminar presented to the British Columbia Association of Speech/Language Pathologists and Audiologists, Victoria, British Columbia.
Elman, R.J. (September, 2018). Integrating the Life Participation Approach to Communication Disorders with Impairment-based Disorders: Making Connections. Invited keynote address to the 13th Annual Eleanor M. Saffran Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience & Rehabilitation of Communication Disorders, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Elman, R.J. (August, 2018). Aphasia: Successful Communication and Getting your Message Across. Presented to the El Camino Hospital Stroke Group, Mountain View, California.
Boyle, M. & Elman, R.J. (May, 2018). A Multi-level Analysis of the Effect of Lexical Impairment on the Narrative Discourse in Fluent Aphasia: A Replication. Poster presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Austin, Texas.
Elman, R.J. (April, 2018). The Life Participation Approach to Aphasia: Making Real Differences in the Lives of People with Aphasia. Full day workshop provided to the Center for Rehabilitation of Brain Injury, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Elman, R.J. (April, 2018). Using Communication Support in Aphasia Groups. Lecture given at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Elman, R.J. (April, 2018). Life Participation Approach to Aphasia. Workshop given at University of Southern Denmark, Department of Language and Communication, Odense, Denmark.
Elman, R.J. (March, 2018). Essential Elements of Aphasia Intervention: Four Practical Evidence-Based Treatments Appropriate across Clinical Settings. Presented to the California Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Sacramento, California.
Elman, R.J., Cherney, L, & Simmons-Mackie, N. (November, 2017). Recent Trends in Aphasia Management: From Bedside to Community. Invited seminar presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Los Angeles, California.
Elman, R.J. (November, 2017). Essential Elements of Aphasia Intervention: Four Practical Evidence-Based Treatments Appropriate across Clinical Settings. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Los Angeles, California.
Elman, R.J., Mahendra, N., Bernstein-Ellis, E., & Sperling, D. (November, 2017). Public Speaking and Aphasia: The 360-Degree Impact of a Young Stroke Survivor and Citizen Expert. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Los Angeles, California.
Elman, R.J. (April, 2017). The Life Participation Approach to Aphasia: Making Real Differences in the Lives of People with Aphasia. Full day workshop provided to the Communication Sciences & Disorders Department, Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama.
Elman, R.J. & Sperling, D. (March, 2017). The Aphasia Center of California: A Life Participation Approach to Aphasia. Lecture given at University of California, Language Disorders Class, Linguistics Department, Berkeley, California.
Elman, R.J. (November, 2016). Essential Elements of Aphasia Intervention: Four Practical Evidence-Based Treatments Appropriate across Clinical Settings. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Elman, R.J. (November, 2016). Business 101: Important Business Lessons I’ve Learned from Running a Non-Profit Organization for 20 Years. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Elman, R.J. (November, 2016). Aphasia Book Clubs: Reconnecting Individuals with Aphasia to Reading for Pleasure. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Elman, R.J. (September, 2016). Bridging the Language Barrier for Individuals with Aphasia: Effective Communication Techniques for the Busy Clinician. Presented to the Annual Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Symposium, San Jose, California.
Elman, R.J. (September, 2016). Communicating with Patients who have Aphasia (or anyone who knows more than they can say). Presented to the Center for Elders’ Independence, Oakland and Berkeley sites, California.
Elman, R. (August, 2016). Application of LPAA, A-FROM, and C.A.P.E. to Aphasia Treatment. Presented to the International Association of Logopedics & Phoniatrics, Dublin, Ireland.
Boyle, M., Elman, R., Simmons-Mackie, N. & Kagan, A. (August, 2016). An Integrated Perspective on Aphasia Treatment, Research, Disability, and Life Participation: Introduction and Background. Presented to the International Association of Logopedics & Phoniatrics, Dublin, Ireland.
Elman, R.J., Cohen, A., & Silverman, M. (May, 2016). Perceptions of Speech-Language Pathology Services Provided to Persons with Aphasia: A Caregiver Survey. Presented to the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Elman, R.J. (April, 2016). Communicating with Patients who have Aphasia (or anyone who knows more than they can say). Presented to the Bay Area Community Services Adult Day Program, Oakland, California.
Elman, R.J. (March, 2016). Communicating with Patients who have Aphasia (or anyone who knows more than they can say). Presented to LIFE ElderCare, Fremont, California.
Elman, R.J. (March, 2016). Communicating with Patients who have Aphasia (or anyone who knows more than they can say). Presented to the Alameda County Emergency Medical Services, San Leandro, California.
Elman, R.J. (February, 2016). Communicating with Patients who have Aphasia. Presented to the UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program, University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health.
Simmons-Mackie, N., Elman, R.J., & Kagan, A. (November, 2015). The Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA) Turns 15: Where to Now? Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Denver, Colorado.
Elman, R.J. (April, 2015). The Aphasia Center of California: A Life Participation Approach to Aphasia. Lecture given at University of California, Language Disorders Class, Linguistics Department, Berkeley, California.
Elman, R.J. (April, 2015). The Goal of Communication: Getting the Message Across. Presented to the Pacific Stroke Association, Menlo Park, CA.
Elman, R.J. (March, 2015). Building an Aphasia Program: Big Dreams, Local Realities. Presented to the Inaugural AphasiaAccess Leadership Summit, Boston University, Massachusetts.
Elman, R.J. (March, 2015). Aphasia Intervention: Essential Elements for Treatment Planning. Presented to the California Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Long Beach, California.
Elman, R.J. (February, 2015). The Goal of Communication: Getting the Message Across. Presented to the Pacific Stroke Association, Menlo Park, CA.
Elman, R.J., Dow, D., Dow-Richards, C., & Holland, A. (November, 2014). Isolation and Aphasia: The Importance of Building Connections & Community. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, Florida.
Elman, R.J. & Silverman, M. (November, 2014). Aphasia Intervention: Innovative Programs for Meeting the Life Participation Needs of People Living with Aphasia. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, Florida.
Kagan, A., Simmons-Mackie, N., Boyle, M., Elman, R.J., & Shelley, K. (November, 2014). Living with Aphasia: Framework for Outcome Measurement (A-FROM): Program, Research, Advocacy & Policy Applications. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, Florida.
Elman, R.J. (October, 2014). Aphasia Intervention: Essential Elements for Treatment Planning. Webinar presented in the Aphasia Institute Webinar Series, Toronto, Canada.
Elman, R.J. (May, 2014). Getting to Yes (or No): Working with Patients who have Aphasia. Grand Rounds presented at Laguna Honda Hospital, San Francisco, California.
Elman, R.J. (May, 2014). Aphasia Intervention: Are we Missing the Forest for the Trees? Invited Facilitated Roundtable Discussion, Clinical Aphasiology Conference, St. Simon’s Island, Georgia.
Elman, R.J. (April, June & August, 2014). The Goal of Communication: Getting the Message Across. Trainings presented to LifeLong Medical Care, Berkeley, CA.
Elman, R.J. (February, 2014). The Aphasia Center of California: A Life Participation Approach to Aphasia. Lecture given at University of California, Language Disorders Class, Linguistics Department, Berkeley, California.
Elman, R.J. (November, 2013). Making Choices in Aphasia Intervention When Intensive Therapy is Not Possible. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
Simmons-Mackie, N., Worrall, L., King, J., Elman, R.J. & Hinckley, J. (November, 2013). Supporting Communication for Adults with Aphasia: Improving the Experience of Living with Aphasia. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
Elman, R.J. (September, 2013). Aphasia Intervention: Essential Elements for Treatment. Presented to UCSF Medical Center, Department of Rehabilitative Services, San Francisco, California.
Elman, R.J. (May, 2013). I Really Have Something to Say! Presented to Bayside Park Senior Assisted Living, Emeryville, California.
Elman, R.J. (April, 2013). The Aphasia Center of California: A Life Participation Approach to Aphasia. Lecture given at University of California, Language Disorders Class, Linguistics Department, Berkeley, California.
Elman, R.J. (September, 2012). A Life Participation Approach to Aphasia. Presented to the Medical Speech-Language Pathology Council of California, Riverside, California.
Elman, R.J. (May, 2012). Communication Techniques for Aphasia. Presented to the Over 60 Health Center, Berkeley, California.
Elman, R.J. (February, 2012). A Life Participation Approach to Aphasia. Lecture given to University of California Linguistics Class, Berkeley, California.
Kagan, A., Simmons-Mackie, N., Boyle, M., Elman, R.J., Riley, E., & Thompson, C. (November, 2012). The Complexity Hypothesis: Research and Ideas for Aphasia Treatment. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, California.
Ewing, S. & Elman, R.J. (November, 2011). Aphasia Movie Clubs: Building Conversation and Community. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, California.
Elman, R.J. (October, 2011). A Life Participation Approach to Aphasia. Presented to the Medical Speech-Language Pathology Council of California, Stanford, California.
Elman, R. J. (June, 2011). Communication Techniques for Aphasia. Presented to the Contra Costa Stroke Group, John Muir Hospital, Walnut Creek, California.
Elman, R. J. and Larsen, S. (November, 2010). Computer and Internet Use Among People with Aphasia. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Elman, R. J. (November, 2010). Aphasia Book Clubs: Lessons Learned From the Past Ten Years. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Simmons-Mackie, N. and Elman, R. J. (November, 2010). Aphasia Therapy: What’s Conversation Got To Do With It? Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Elman, R. J. (March, 2010). Differentiating aphasia from memory disorders. Presented to the Alameda County Area Agency on Aging, Information and Assistance Roundtable, Oakland, California.
Elman, R. J. (November, 2009). The Importance of Aphasia Groups for Rebuilding Community and Health. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Elman, R. J. (November, 2009). Aphasia Intervention in Japan: International Innovation and Inspiration. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Elman, R.J. (October, 2009). Aphasia Treatment Groups. Invited workshop presented to the New Mexico Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention.
Elman, R.J. (October, 2009). New Advances in Aphasia Intervention. Invited workshop presented to the Alta Bates Medical Center Stroke Conference.
Elman, R.J. (June, 2009). Aphasia Intervention in Japan: International Innovation and Inspiration. Presented to the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Keystone, Colorado.
Elman, R. J., Cherney, L., Hinckley, J., and Wozniak, L. (November, 2008). Creating Aphasia Programs in Different Practice Settings: Challenges and Opportunities. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
Elman, R. J. (November, 2008). Aphasia Treatment Groups: Cost-Effective and Efficacious. Invited workshop presented to the Braintree Rehabilitation Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Elman, R. J. (October, 2008). Neurogenic Communication Disorders: The Effectiveness of Group Treatment. Invited workshop presented to the National Rehabilitation Hospital, Estoril, Portugal.
Elman, R. J. (October, 2008). Aphasia Treatment Groups. Invited workshop presented to the Annual Norwegian Aphasia Conference, Oslo, Norway.
Elman, R. J. (July, 2008). Aphasia Treatment Groups: Cost-Effective and Efficacious. Invited workshop presented to the Washington Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference, Seattle, Washington.
Elman, R. J. (May, 2008). Keynote Speaker. 3rd Annual Conference for Aphasia Day Centers, Sakado, Saitama, Japan.
Elman, R. J. (May, 2008). Why Create an Aphasia Center for Individuals Living with Chronic Aphasia? Invited workshop presented to the. 3rd Annual Conference for Aphasia Day Centers, Sakado, Saitama, Japan.
Elman, R. J. (September, 2007). Multimethod Research and Evidence-Based Practice. Invited paper presented to Living Successfully with Aphasia: Intervention, Evaluation and Evidence Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Elman, R. J. (June, 2007). Group Treatment of Neurogenic Communication Disorders. Invited workshop presented to the University of the Pacific, 37th Annual Colloquium in Speech-Language Pathology, Stockton, California..
Elman, R. J. (April, 2007). Aphasia Treatment Groups: A Cost-Effective and Efficacious Approach for Healthcare Today. Invited workshop presented to the Missouri Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Osage Beach, Missouri.
Elman, R. J., Cohen-Schneider, R., Garrett, K., and Shadden, B. (November, 2006). Aphasia Groups: One Approach Does Not Fit All. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Miami, Florida.
Elman, R.J. (June, 2006). Practicing Outside the Box: A Cost-Effective and Efficacious Approach for Healthcare Today. Invited workshop presented at Boston University, Sargent College, Boston, Massachusetts.
Elman, R.J. (June, 2006). The Book Connection™ Program: The Benefits of a Life Participation Approach to Reading. Invited presentation presented to the National Aphasia Association’s Speaking Out! Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
Elman, R.J. (April, 2006). Aphasia Groups: The Power of Community. Presented to the California Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, San Francisco, California.
Elman, R. J., Bernstein-Ellis, E., Watt, S., Sobel, P., Giuffrida, E., Fink, R., De Stephan, R., Cherney, L., Boyle, M., and Babbitt, E. (November, 2005). Reading for Pleasure: Aphasia Book Clubs and Quality of Life. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, San Diego, California.
Elman, R. J. (October, 2005). Practicing Outside the Box with Aphasia Treatment Groups. Invited workshop. The Seventh Annual Loretta G. Brown Symposium, University of Montevallo, Alabama.
Elman, R. J. (September, 2005). Aphasia Treatment Groups. Invited workshop to the Medical Facilities of America, Inc., Innsbrook, Virginia.
Elman, R.J. (June, 2005). Evidence-Based Practice: What Evidence is Missing? Paper presented to the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Fort Myers, Florida.
Elman, R.J. (April, 2005). Aphasia Treatment Groups: A Cost-Effective and Efficacious Approach for Healthcare Today. Invited workshop to the Adler Aphasia Center, Maywood, New Jersey.
Elman, R.J. (March, 2005). Aphasia Treatment Groups: A Cost-Effective and Efficacious Approach for Healthcare Today. Invited workshop to the National Rehabilitation Hospital, Washington, D.C.
Elman, R.J., and Bernstein, Ellis, E. (April, 2005). Impairment to Participation: Meeting the Needs of People with Aphasia. Presented to the California Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, San Jose, California.
LaPointe, L., Raymer, A., Elman, R. J., and Blanchard, A. (November, 2004). Aphasia Treatment Update: Traditions and New Directions. Invited short course presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Elman, R. J. (November, 2004). Group Treatment: Making a Real Difference. Invited presentation to the Crossroads in Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Elman, R. J. (November, 2004). Working with Groups: Clinical Strategies and Techniques. Invited workshop to the Aphasia Conference, Rehabilitation Hospital, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Elman, R. J., Bernstein-Ellis, E., Babbitt, E., Boyle, M., Cherney, L., Fink, R., Sobel, P., and Watt, S. (November, 2004). A Life Participation Approach to Reading: Aphasia Book Clubs. Invited presentation to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
LaPointe, L., Raymer, A., Elman, R. J., and Blanchard, A. (November, 2004). Aphasia Treatment Update: Traditions and New Directions. Invited short course presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Elman, R. J. (October, 2004). Neurogenic Treatment Groups: A Life Participation Approach to Rehabilitation. Invited workshop to the Oregon Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Portland, Oregon.
Elman, R. J. (September, 2004). Aphasia. Invited presentation to the Munger, Tolles & Olson Law Firm, Los Angeles, California.
Elman, R. J. (April, 2004). Communication Techniques that Address the Needs of People with Aphasia. Invited presentation to the California Association of Court Investigators Conference, San Diego, California.
Bernstein-Ellis, E. (April, 2004). Read Any Good Books Lately? A Life Participation Approach to Reading and Aphasia. Invited workshop to the New Jersey Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Elman, R. J. (November, 2003). Impairment to Participation: Meeting the Needs of People with Chronic Disorders. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
Elman, R. J., Simmons-Mackie, N., & Kagan, A. (November, 2003). Clinical Services for Aphasia: Feast or Famine. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
Bernstein-Ellis, E. & Elman, R. J. (November, 2003). Creating Aphasia Book Clubs: The Rewards Outweigh the Challenges. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
Elman, R.J. (October, 2003). Neurogenic Treatment Groups. The Eddy Lecture. Invited workshop to the University of Minnesota, Duluth, Minnesota.
Elman, R.J. (April, 2003). Practicing Outside the Box: Creative Approaches to Aphasia Intervention. Invited workshop to the Ontario Association of Speech-Language Pathologists, Stratford, Ontario, Canada.
Elman, R. J., Golper, L., Holland, A., LeDorze, G., Sarno, M. (November, 2002). Grand Rounds: Life Participation Approaches to Aphasia. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Atlanta, Georgia.
Bernstein-Ellis, E. &, Elman, R. J. (November, 2002). Aphasia Book Clubs: A Life-Participation Approach to Reading. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Atlanta, Georgia.
Kagan, A., Simmons-Mackie, N., & Elman, R. J. (November, 2002). Usefulness of ICF in Evaluating Participation-Based Outcomes in Aphasia. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Atlanta, Georgia.
Elman, R.J. (October, 2002). Life Participation Approaches to Aphasia. Invited presentation to Moss Rehabilitation Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennslyvania.
Elman, R. J. (October, 2002). Treatment Approaches at the Aphasia Center of California. Invited presentation to Moss Rehabilitation Hospital, Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
Elman, R. J. (August, 2002). Neurogenic Treatment Groups: A Cost Effective and Efficacious Approach for Healthcare Today. Invited workshop to the University of Vermont, Burlington.
Elman, R. J. (July, 2002). Aphasia Groups: Healing through Community. Keynote address presented to the International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Elman, R. J., Garcia, L., Kagan, A., Lyon, J., & Simmons-Mackie, N. (November, 2001). Grand Rounds: Life Participation Approaches to Aphasia. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Kagan, R., Elman, R. J. & Cohen-Schneider, R. (November, 2001). But My Husband Can’t Talk: Conversation Groups and Severe Aphasia. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Elman, R. J. (October, 2001). Aphasia Treatment Groups: A Cost-Effective and Efficacious Approach for Healthcare Today. Invited presentation to the Tennessee Association of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists, Franklin, Tennessee.
Elman, R. J. (June, 2001). Creative Solutions: Life Participation Approaches to Aphasia Treatment. Invited presentation to the Speech, Language and Hearing Association of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
Elman, R. J. (May, 2001). Practicing Outside the Box with Aphasia Treatment Groups. Invited workshop to the New Jersey Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Elman, R. J. (April, 2001). Working with Groups. Invited workshop to UK Connect, London, England.
Elman, R. J. (March, 2001). Group Treatment and Jazz: Some Lessons Learned. Invited presentation to the UK Connect Launch Conference, London, England.
Elman, R. (February, 2001). Aphasia Treatment Groups: A Cost-Effective Solution to Healthcare Changes. Invited workshop to the Winter Conference By the Beach, Morton Plant Mease Health Care, Clearwater, Florida.
Elman, R. J., Kagan, A., Lyon, J., and Simmons-Mackie, N. (November, 2000). Language Disorders in Adults: Grand Rounds on Life Participation Approaches to Aphasia. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Washington, D. C.
Click for handout.
Elman, R. J., Ford, J., Garrett, K., Holland, A., and Marshall, R. (November, 2000). Language Disorders in Adults: Grand Rounds on Aphasia Group Treatment. Presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Washington, D.C.
Click for handout by Elman.
Elman, R. (October, 2000). Aphasia Treatment Groups: An Efficacious and Cost-Effective Solutions to Changes in Health Care. Invited workshop to the Connecticut Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Westbrook, Connecticut.
Elman, R. (September, 2000). Creative Solutions: Life Participation Approaches to Aphasia Treatment. Invited workshop to the Speech-Language Pathology Practice Group at G.F. Strong and George Pearson Centres, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Elman, R. (May, 2000). The Internet and Aphasia: Crossing the Digital Divide. Presented to the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii.
Elman, R. (March, 2000). Aphasia Treatment Groups: Efficacious and Cost-Effective Solutions to Health Care Challenges. Invited workshop to the Wisconsin Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Elman, R. (March, 2000). Global & Mobile: Thinking Outside the Box. Invited workshop to the Wisconsin Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Bernstein-Ellis, E., Elman, R. J., and Ewing, S. (November, 1999). It’s Harder Than it Looks: Aphasia Groups and Clinical Growth. Presented to the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Francisco, California.
Elman, R., Ogar, J., and Elman, S. (November, 1999). Aphasia: What They Don’t Know Can Hurt Us. Presented to the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Francisco, California.
Elman, R., Ogar, J., and Elman, S. (September, 1999). Aphasia: What they don’t know can hurt us. Presented to the British Aphasiology Society Conference, London, England.
Elman, R., Ogar, J., and Elman, S. (June, 1999). Aphasia: Awareness, Advocacy, and Activism. Presented to the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Key West, Florida.
Elman, R. (May, 1999). Group Therapy for Adults with Aphasia. Invited workshop to the Northern Conference of the Ontario Speech-Language Association, North Bay, Ontario, Canada.
Elman, R. (May, 1999). Practicing Outside the Box. Invited workshop to the Northern Conference of the Ontario Speech-Language Association, North Bay, Ontario, Canada.
Elman, R., and Bernstein-Ellis, E. (May, 1999). New Directions in Aphasia Management: Clinic, Familiy, and Community Programs. Invited workshop to Speech/Language and Learning Services, Seattle, Washington.
Elman, R., Bernstein-Ellis, E. and Ewing, S. (November, 1998). Practicing “Outside the Box”: A Creative Solution to Healthcare Changes. Presented to the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Antonio, Texas.
Elman, R., Bernstein-Ellis, E. and Ewing, S. (November, 1998). Aphasia Treatment Groups: Enhancing Communication Skills and Psychosocial Well-Being. Presented to the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Antonio, Texas.
Elman, R. and Bernstein-Ellis, E. (July, 1998). Aphasia treatment groups: Efficacious and cost-effective options for delivery of services. Invited workshop to the 21st Annual Summer Institute for the Management of Communicative Disorders, Utah State University, Logan, Utah.
Elman, R. (June, 1998). Group therapy: A need in today’s healthcare climate. Invited workshop to the First National Conference: Speaking Out!, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago and National Aphasia Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Lyon, J., Patterson, R., Ford, J., and Elman, R. (June, 1998). Strengthening community re-entry skills in aphasia community groups. Invited presentation to the First National Conference: Speaking Out!, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago and National Aphasia Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Elman, R. (March, 1998). Managing rehabilitation through group therapy. Invited presentation to the Annual Stroke Course, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
Elman, R. (March, 1998). Group communication treatment in rehabilitation following stroke. Invited workshop to the Annual Stroke Course, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
Elman, R., and Bernstein-Ellis, E. (February, 1997). Aphasia treatment groups: An innovative and effective option for providing care in the 90’s. Invited workshop to the Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention.
Elman, R. and Bernstein-Ellis, E. (October, 1997). Regrouping in the 90’s: Aphasia treatment groups meet the challenge. Invited workshop to the Louisiana State Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convnetion, Alexandria, Louisiana.
Elman, R. and Bernstein-Ellis, E. (June, 1996). Effectiveness of group communication treatment for individuals with chronic aphasia: Results on communicative and linguistic measures. Paper presented to the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Newport, Rhode Island.
Elman, R., Beeson, P., Bernstein-Ellis, E., Garrett, K., Holland, A., and Marshall, R. (November, 1995). Aphasia groups: Who, what, where, when, and why? Seminar presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, Florida.