Aphasia (uh-fay-zhuh) A loss or reduction of language (i.e., speaking, understanding, reading, and/or writing) following brain damage, typically as a result of a stroke.

Who We Are

The Aphasia Center of California provides high quality, cutting-edge services that enhance communication skills, quality of life, and overall well-being for those affected by aphasia. We offer a “lifeline” for participating individuals, their families, and caregivers—creating a community of people that support and understand one another—while providing stories of hope and success.  Read More

To join our groups:

Our speech therapist will meet with you to talk about your needs and find the best fit for you.


El Centro de Afasia de California provee servicios de alta calidad para potenciar las habilidades comunicativas, la calidad de vida, y sobre todo el bienestar de las personas afectadas por la afasia.  Ofrecemos apoyo para los participantes, sus familias y sus cuidadores, creando así una comunidad de personas que se apoyan y se entienden unos con otros, creando así historias de esperanza.

¿Tiene interés en unirse a nuestros grupos?

Haga clic aquí para dejar su información.

Nuestra terapeuta del habla y del lenguaje le puede comunicar.

Recent News

NEW: PPA Care Partner Group

This Care Partner Group is intended for family members or others providing care to people living with Primary Progressive Aphasia.  Contact us to sign up today!
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