Aphasia Book Club

Our Book Connection™ Aphasia Book Club program began in 1999 when ACC members told us they wanted to read again—not sentences or short paragraphs, but actual books!
Our weekly discussion sessions are the most important part of the Aphasia Book Club groups. Facilitated by experienced speech-language pathologists, these discussions promote an exchange of ideas and thoughts that many individuals with aphasia don’t get the opportunity to share in their daily life.
Our Book Club groups provide participants with chapter highlights or “reading ramps” that make books accessible to those with acquired reading impairments. These reading ramps support the book’s content by emphasizing key parts of the storyline while also simplifying vocabulary and grammar.
We also provide weekly worksheets that give participants an opportunity to make a personal connection to the story while encouraging reading and writing practice. In addition, we utilize unabridged audiotapes or e-readers to assist those participants who have more severe reading disorders.
Speech-language pathologists who are interested in starting book clubs in their own communities can purchase our Book Connection™ materials from this website.